[Offintheshower] practice

Brian.Schmuland at sasktel.sk.ca Brian.Schmuland at sasktel.sk.ca
Fri Oct 21 13:45:24 CST 2005

Whoever shows up at noon shows up.  If only 3 people show up, that will be
one better than last week!!  Terence, pending you can make it on Saturday,
bring those passing plays along...or if anyone else has some plays, bring
them along as well.  I thought the plays Terrence sent will work very well
in this league.  If we can get a handful of plays worked out, we should be
in good shape for next week.

See you on Saturday.

Brian Schmuland
CS eChannel Group
brian.schmuland at sasktel.sk.ca
3rd Floor - 1855 Lorne St.

             "farrell baird"                                               
             <baird1fa at hotmail                                             
             .com>                                                      To 
             Sent by:                  offintheshower at lists.kith.ca        
             offintheshower-bo                                          cc 
             unces at lists.kith.                                             
             ca                                                    Subject 
                                       Re: [Offintheshower] practice       
             10/21/2005 01:31                                              
             Please respond to                                             
             <offintheshower at l                                             

its' not that we change our minds it more so that no one decides anything.

But as of now we have three people for noon on saturday and one for 2 on
saturday.  So it's looking like noon is better.  but if only three people
show up it's not going to be much of a practice.

I'll be there at noon with a ball and pylons to setup a practice field.  we

are all just doing this for fun, so really if we don't wanna practice we
will still have fun at the games, we will just never win.

>From: "Jeff Gross" <jeff at liveglobalbid.com>
>Reply-To: offintheshower <offintheshower at lists.kith.ca>
>To: "offintheshower" <offintheshower at lists.kith.ca>
>Subject: Re: [Offintheshower] practice
>Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 13:18:04 -0600
>Would prefer a noon practice but I can be there at 2pm...   our football
>team changes its mind more often than chick in a shoe store.
>----- Original Message ----- From: "farrell baird" <baird1fa at hotmail.com>
>To: <offintheshower at lists.kith.ca>
>Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 9:49 AM
>Subject: [Offintheshower] practice
>>Hey everyone, I was just looking for a head count for practice tomorrow
>>12:00.  is anyone coming?
>>Offintheshower mailing list
>>Offintheshower at lists.kith.ca
>Offintheshower mailing list
>Offintheshower at lists.kith.ca

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